Scooter racing

Scooter racing
After parking for the night, we'll still have time for a little racing

Friday, 15 June 2012

How to do Mt. Rushmore on a budget

Crazy Horse Memorial.... one giant head
Nui waving at other Class A drivers
We made it! From Deadwood, we took another series of long, long, long hills but we finally made it to Keystone, SD, the home of Mt. Rushmore. Since we had only travelled about 45 minutes, we decided to forge ahead before dropping anchor. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that you can see Mt. Rushmore from the road. It was amazing. However, so was the traffic jam going into the parking lot, so we decided to cruise by very slowly and admire it from a distance. We figured nothing much was to be gained by standing there watching a rock for an hour. So on we went to the Crazy Horse memorial. Again, you can see it from the road and all it is is a great big head. So, we talked our way past the gatekeepers, drove up, took a quick picture and drove back out. Then we headed for the Badlands. That generated a lot of “wow, look at that!” from both of us. What an amazing sight! We drove in, through and out in about ½ hour and made it Interior, SD just in time for a major wind and thunder storm. The whole day cost us absolutely nothing and we saw 3 of the major sights that were on our to do list. Since we’re ahead of schedule, we’ve decided to backtrack and head for North Dakota and the enchanted highway, after seeing the corn palace in Mitchell, SD.

Wow....look at that!

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