Scooter racing

Scooter racing
After parking for the night, we'll still have time for a little racing

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Budgie-smugglers: The Ultimate Fashion Statement

We headed to Quartzsite on a very hot Saturday to take part in a seeded metal detecting hunt.  This is where the field is seeded with coins and participants have one hour to dig up all the money they can get.  The cost to participate is $35 and diggers can recover all of their fees if they're fast enough.  I'm not fast enough..... I managed to get $4.50 total, and that's with Carm helping me dig!  On the plus side, I did manage to tan the back of my legs.  I was looking a tad two-toned there for awhile - sort of like a chocolate-covered digestive biscuit.

RRR was excited to come along because we promised to introduce her to Quartzsite's most eligible bachelor.  Paul Winer (honest) is the owner of a used book store and he was very dapper that day - we noticed immediately that he had taken the trouble to match his top hat to his budgie-smuggler.  Maybe he knew RRR was coming.  We thought it was a match made in heaven:  RRR likes to knit, so PW would have an unlimited supply of mankinis to choose from.  Laundry would be a breeze (literally).  There'd be no guessing about what to get him for Christmas.  Every couple of years or so, she could buy him a new hat.

We reluctantly left the book store and headed for the rock and gem show where we bought a lot of rocks (as if the Beast isn't heavy enough), with the intention of turning them into smaller rocks by way of a rock tumbler we also bought.  We're not exactly sure what we're going to do with all these polished rocks but, what the heck, they're sparkly.

RRR, of course, bought earrings.  At last count, she owns 108 pairs.

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