That was the plan, anyhow.
The truth is that most people who retire apparently do so because they've lost their minds. I mean, for years we were forced to get up at some ungodly hour to make it to work at some equally ungodly hour. So, naturally, once a person retires you would assume that they would get rid of the alarm clock and sleep in to a more humane hour. Consequently, you would think that the people who organize classes would start them later in the day in order to accommodate said retirees' more humane schedule.
It turns out that 99% of retired people get up at the crack of dawn and they're rarin' to go by 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. So the organizers schedule their classes for times when the freakin' sun isn't even up yet. Of course, it doesn't pay the organizers to have things start later because those same old people who get up in the middle of the night are the same ones who have to be in bed by 8 pm, before the sun even sets.

Maybe I'll try again in April.