Life just plods along nicely when you have nothing to do and lots of time to do it. I've spent the past two weeks reading and swimming....not at the same time. For spy thriller lovers out there, try the books by Daniel Silva. I've read at least a dozen since July and I'm waiting anxiously for him to crank out a few more.
Syd and Lynda left 2 weeks ago for Apache Junction. Since then, I've kept a low profile - working on my tan and generally staying out of trouble. Trouble, however, seems to find me. Once again, the Beast started acting up - plumbing problems. Suffice to say that I now have a new toilet and a big hole in my bank account.
Just so I didn't get too complacent, I got a panic email from my downstairs neighbor in BC to say that water was pouring into her apartment from mine. Turns out the leak came from the condo above me and there has been some damage to my walls and ceilings. Sigh....
I've decided to head home a couple of weeks early, to make sure that things get repaired in my condo.

Forgot to mention that I have a new pet....there's a little hummingbird nest in my tree (yes, I have a tree). Mama is getting used to me so I was able to get a nice picture.