2 "people of girth" take to the road in an RV nicknamed The Beast
Scooter racing

After parking for the night, we'll still have time for a little racing
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Unfashionably early....but a Hula-va good time!
Windblown in Las Cruces
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
El Paso on $500.00 a Day!
There we were, on our way out of Van Horn, Texas, on a
beautiful Sunday morning. The road was
excellent, the sky was clear, there was little traffic and we were feeling
quite mellow. The two of us were reminiscing
about how great things have been going - no bad weather, no foul ups, excellent
sightseeing, great (with one exception) campsites, and the Beast was behaving
beautifully. At that exact moment, the
Beast gave a great big cough and started to rattle deep in its bones. We pulled off the road, in the middle of
nowhere, 50 miles from Van Horn and 81 miles from El Paso. There's a whole lot of nothing in this part
of Texas, except for heat, flies and semi trucks. We thought we had a flat but everything that
was supposed to be round was still round.
A call to CoachNet resulted in a tow truck arriving about 3 hours later. We piled our stuff into Zippy (the car) and
headed out to El Paso to wait for the Beast to arrive.
The other good news was that the damage wasn't fatal. A spark plug broke loose and damaged a
coil. They figured we would be out of
there first thing in the morning.
Ha!!! Things are never that easy
with the Beast. It turns out that
whoever put the plugs in, stripped the threads and the whole thing had to be
replaced. Naturally, parts were hard to
A big thanks to Steve, the tow truck driver and mechanic,
and to Gilbert Duran, one of the owners of Duran and Son's Service Centre, who
went out of their way to ensure that we got our repairs done very well and as
quickly as possible.
With all that, we never did get to go sightseeing in El
Paso, although we managed to buy LOTS of food at Walmart.
There is a new house rule: no one is to mention how good anything is going until AFTER we have parked for the night. Even then, there's a chance we might irritate the gods of the open road, so we're going to keep such comments to a minimum.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Thursday, 24 October 2013
We apologize for setting fire to San Antonio
Life is full of surprises.
So imagine our surprise when we drove over some debris on our way out of
town. This was soon followed by a strong
smell of burning rubber. This was
followed soon after by a lot of honking and pointing from a passing truck
driver. At about this point, we noticed
that the very dry grass on either side of the road behind us was on fire. This led to a certain amount of anxiety. We pulled over and did a quick check of the
Beast and Zippy. All 10 tires were still
round and there was no sign of trouble. A very friendly San Antonio State Trooper
stopped and also had a look and then very kindly stopped traffic on the
Interstate to allow us to pull out and be on our merry way.
We surmise that some of the debris we ran over got caught
under the Beast and ignited. There
doesn't seem to be much wrong, but we haven't lowered the jacks yet. We're hoping it wasn't a burn through the
hydraulic lines.
So, we're spending the night and we're off to Van Horn, TX
tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that
the jacks are not burned.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Holy Mole..... San Antonio is fun!
We were too exhausted to do much on day 2, so Patty and Dave came out for the evening for a pizza dinner. Patty brought along her unbelievable lemon pie topped with marshmallow fluff. Calories cling to you just by inhaling in the same vicinity.
The day was capped by a gift of fresh, home-baked pecan square made by the indomitable Patty. Nui is a bit concerned that she is not going to fit behind the wheel when we leave tomorrow.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Texas..... it may be big, but you can find things
We have been in Texas for 3 days now and must say that we're impressed. With the exception of the Texarkana KOA, all the parks are where they say they are, the roads are fantastic, drivers are polite, the GPS has no trouble finding routes and, all in all, it has been a relaxing drive. From Texarkana, we went to Tyler, but we were too lazy to unhook the car so we missed seeing their Rose festival. From Tyler, it was on to Montgomery, just outside Houston. A beautiful park! Today, we have arrived in New Braunfels, just outside San Antonio. Tomorrow, we'll be visiting with relatives and seeing the sights of the city. There is a bit of confusion about our location.... it is billed as a "small, German town". If they consider this small, Vancouver must be considered a village. I know everything is big in Texas but dang....an 8-lane highway through the centre of town!!
This is our furthest point South and from here on we start to head west.
One oddity... the further south we go, the colder it has been getting. We were starting to wonder if the GPS was sending us to Whitehorse, and, if so, why they all talked with a funny accent and wore overalls and cowboy hats. Even RRR has been wearing a sweater and, for those who know her, you know that this is a phenomenon that doesn't happen until the brass monkeys need to be brought in. We are assured that things will warm up, although no one is saying when.
This is our furthest point South and from here on we start to head west.
One oddity... the further south we go, the colder it has been getting. We were starting to wonder if the GPS was sending us to Whitehorse, and, if so, why they all talked with a funny accent and wore overalls and cowboy hats. Even RRR has been wearing a sweater and, for those who know her, you know that this is a phenomenon that doesn't happen until the brass monkeys need to be brought in. We are assured that things will warm up, although no one is saying when.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Digging for Diamonds, Princess Style
On our way back from the crater, we stopped at Buddy's Hawg House for lunch. The server at the restaurant sure made up for the people at the crater. She was friendly, gregarious and took really good care of us. She was astounded that we'd never seen a hush puppy and had the cook make some up for us. Ever the adventurer, Nui tried her very first hush puppy and a Po'Boy sandwich made with catfish. Both were delicious! Sure made up for the turnip greens the other night (another adventure gone horribly wrong).
Thanks also to the guys at the garage next door who came out and reattached Nui's dash board section, which got pulled out when she had to fight to get the brake buddy loose. Sigh....
Yesterday, we set up at a nice, cozy picnic table in the sun in Texarkana and started digging for diamonds in a more civilized fashion. We think we've found a couple - one of which is a fairly good size. For now we'll call it a diamond....until someone with authority tells us it's quartz.
Message for Patty.... San Antonio bound
Patty - Can't find your email address. We'll be in San Antonio on Sunday or Monday. Are you around?
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Rockin' It in Hot Springs, AR
The point of this trip was to get out on the road and see
the sights. Imagine our surprise,
therefore, when it turns out that the only sights we see consistently are
churches. There are Baptist churches,
Pentecostal, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Evangelical, the ever popular Church of the Highway and, of
course, Harvey's Church. In some areas,
there are more churches than there are people.
Yesterday we went rock hounding - or at least rock shopping. The area is known for its crystal rock formations and we spent several hours browsing through piles of coloured rocks on Mount Ida. It is amazing what comes out of the earth! Nui had to be forcibly stopped from buying massive amethyst and aquamarine rocks - the poor Beast couldn’t carry that much more weight. We bought bags of dirt which contain emeralds, topaz, rubies, garnet, tourmaline and a variety of unpronounceable semi-precious stones. Unfortunately, today it's pouring rain so we can't do our mining thing so we may just end up going to one of the mineral baths for a spa day. The idea of sitting in a hot mineral bath and then being wrapped in hot towels sounds pretty appealing.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Boondocking in Arkansas
We stayed an extra day in Springfield to rest up and load up on supplies. This included a grand total of 22 pairs of undies for RRR, since we're both too lazy (I mean busy) to do laundry.
Today we hit the road again and here we are in beautiful Jonesboro, Arkansas, sitting in a
Home Depot parking lot because neither the GPS nor several of the locals had
ever heard of Perkins Rv Park. We should
have known there would be a problem when we called ahead and asked to make a
reservation and the person who answered the phone said "a
whut?". They assured us they'd
have room, which goes without saying since no one can find the place. The park website says it's on Parker Road but
the address takes you to a very narrow side road and what looks like an
abandoned restaurant. The GPS says that
Perkins RV is smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood and it was
quite a bit of fun getting the Beast out of those narrow streets. We drove around for an hour, called the park
several times with no response and finally gave up. We pulled into a Home Depot parking lot and
the very nice customer service person told us to go ahead and set up for the
night. We were even luckier to arrive
just as an antique car club was gearing up for an event and spent a few great
hours listening to music from the 60s and early 70s. We then grabbed chairs and sat outside,
wearing t-shirts and shorts. The
mosquitoes, however, drove us back inside.
Mosquitoes….. in October!!!!
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Today, we were off to Branson. After driving the strip and admiring some of
the local architecture, we had a bit of time on our hands….. so we went to a
psychic for palm reading and tarot cards.
The results were a bit dubious, but you get what you pay for. Then it was off to the Welk Resort where we
participated in a live version of the Price is Right. This was a lot of fun and we got to Ooooo and
Ahhhh along with the crowd at all the prizes.
We registered to be contestants but, sadly, our luck was not with
us. Maybe we should have bought a charm
or two from the psychic to improve our chances.
We met some interesting people in the lobby and had our photo taken with
the handsome Johnny, who came dressed for the occasion.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
See the World in Just one Day
We left Cloverdale, IN on a rainy Saturday and drove less than 20 miles before re-discovering sunshine. The new GPS was intent on sending us down small, narrow country roads to get to I-70 but Nui ignored her and eventually she settled down and sent us on our way to our new destination. There was only one short moment of confusion when the GPS got the exit wrong and we missed the turn onto I-55 and had to detour through downtown St. Louis. No big deal - it turned out that the detour saved us a lot of time since we avoided a huge traffic jam at the I-55 turn-off.
A pleasant 4-hour drive down excellent roads led us to our next destination, the Ladybug RV Resort in Cuba! This is a great little park and the owners are very friendly and accommodating. We stayed overnight and left the next day for Springfield, MO. Imagine our delight, therefore, when we discovered that from Cuba, we were going to Paris and then Lebanon! All that international travel from the comfort of the Beast and in only 3 hours. We are now at the Springfield, MO KOA (not the Springfield, IL KOA as previously booked!) and we're going cave-touring this afternoon. We're heading out tomorrow for the Precious Moments Chapel (I know - Nui will probably burst into flame) and then on Thursday we're heading for Branson and a Live version of the Price is Right. Should be a fun couple of days!
A pleasant 4-hour drive down excellent roads led us to our next destination, the Ladybug RV Resort in Cuba! This is a great little park and the owners are very friendly and accommodating. We stayed overnight and left the next day for Springfield, MO. Imagine our delight, therefore, when we discovered that from Cuba, we were going to Paris and then Lebanon! All that international travel from the comfort of the Beast and in only 3 hours. We are now at the Springfield, MO KOA (not the Springfield, IL KOA as previously booked!) and we're going cave-touring this afternoon. We're heading out tomorrow for the Precious Moments Chapel (I know - Nui will probably burst into flame) and then on Thursday we're heading for Branson and a Live version of the Price is Right. Should be a fun couple of days!
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Clueless in Cloverdale
We arrived in Cloverdale on Friday after some very tense hours on the road. The GPS decided to pack it in and, of course, we don't have a map. The GPS would not charge and we had to rely on the remaining battery power. RRR spent hours pressing the "stay on" button, trying desperately to keep the unit going until we got past Indianapolis. We made it to the Cloverdale RV park just in time. Nui was able to charge it just enough to allow her to find a Walmart and buy a new Garmin. The new unit sucks - it has a horrible, whiny female voice instead of the deep baritone we're used to and half the usual applications are missing. Still, it stays on which is a real treat.
This morning, we awoke to torrential rain and thunderstorms. Nui took this photo of RRR coming home after (and also during) a shower.
We therefore decided to stay put for one more day, since we did not have a chance to see the wonders of Cloverdale, which is renowned for its covered bridges. These may or may not be amazing attractions because we had to look for an hour and a half before finding just one of them. Cloverdale's budget doesn't appear to allow for signage. You would think that if covered bridges were your big claim to fame, you would at least stick a sign up somewhere. Even the locals couldn't tell us much about where to find them.
To cap off the day, we bent one of the retaining pins on the tow assembly. Even though the sales person had told Nui this was not possible to do, she still managed. Fortunately, she had the foresight to buy extras and we will be able to leave tomorrow for Cuba, MO as scheduled. EXCEPT..... Nui slammed the car door on the adaptor for the "Brake Buddy", which smashed to bits and the fuse broke. Ever resourceful, we found a new fuse and glued/taped the adaptor together. The way our luck is running, we expect the car to burst into flames sometime tomorrow morning.
RRR says trouble comes in 3's (notice the 3 R's in her name). So: GPS, bent pin, broken brake system...... we're done! Now we're safe.
This morning, we awoke to torrential rain and thunderstorms. Nui took this photo of RRR coming home after (and also during) a shower.
To cap off the day, we bent one of the retaining pins on the tow assembly. Even though the sales person had told Nui this was not possible to do, she still managed. Fortunately, she had the foresight to buy extras and we will be able to leave tomorrow for Cuba, MO as scheduled. EXCEPT..... Nui slammed the car door on the adaptor for the "Brake Buddy", which smashed to bits and the fuse broke. Ever resourceful, we found a new fuse and glued/taped the adaptor together. The way our luck is running, we expect the car to burst into flames sometime tomorrow morning.
RRR says trouble comes in 3's (notice the 3 R's in her name). So: GPS, bent pin, broken brake system...... we're done! Now we're safe.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Shipshewana Shopping
RRR had originally said that she wasn't all that interested
in going to a flea market because - and I quote - "we're not going to buy
anything". Boy was she
wrong!!! A lot of vendors had big smiles
on their faces when we left.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Detours and Dimwits
Day 2 started out pretty well. We breezed through the US border in about 20 minutes, without being pulled over. Then we started to drive, and drive and drive and drive. At first, the trees were lovely, sparkling red, orange and yellow in the autumn sun. After about 2 hours of all this sparkling, we realized that we hadn't seen a gas station or a rest area since leaving Canada. One tank was getting very dry.....our personal tanks were starting to get pretty full and it was time to stop. We finally found what is apparently Michigan's only gas station near Saginaw and promptly filled up the Beast. We were pretty tired and were looking forward to taking the exit to our campground near Frankenmuth but, sure enough, we got detoured and had to drive the Beast through even more sparkling scenery before we finally got to the campground which was, of course, closed. By this time, we were ready to hire ourselves out as farmhands to pick corn, since that would have been a welcome relief from all those sparkling trees.
We set up camp and set out for Frankenmuth where we had a lovely, if unpronounceable, Bavarian dinner. The atmosphere was great. We loved looking at the knees of all those cute guys in leiderhosen. From there, we went to Bonner's, the world's largest Christmas store which is jaw-droppingly amazing. Unfortunately we had less than half an hour to visit but it is definitely on the bucket list for next year. We are planning a three-day mini-tour next spring.
Day 3 began with a propane refill. Apparently the term "fill it up" is rather a foreign concept in Michigan since we have not been able to get a full tank of gas nor a full tank of propane. But off we headed for Shipshewana, IN. Upon crossing into Indiana, we found dozens of gas stations.... perhaps they should lend some to Michigan.
Shipshewana is a smallish town which boasts the largest flea market in the Midwest. The campground we had booked was, according to their brochure, "within walking distance" of the flea market. We're not sure how much walking the Amish do, since they seem to be pretty tied to their horse-drawn buggies. That might explain why no one seemed to know where the campground was or, for that matter, what was or was not within walking distance of the flea market. Nui asked a dozen people for help with directions and was told to go north, west, or east and was also told that there was no campground. We drove up and down the main street for an hour and a half, looking for a blue flashing sign showing the campground entrance. Even the campground people weren't sure where they were located, since they told us they were north of the flea market when, in fact, they are a half mile south. And the blue flashing sign they boasted about as the "only flashing sign on that street" is not blue, but is blue, yellow and red. They also told us that we could not see the campground from the road but would find a sign saying "RV Wash". In fact, the campground is visible, it is the RV Wash sign that is impossible to see.
We think it must be the fumes from all the horse manure that is killing off their brain cells.
However, the town is really cute and we're looking forward to hitting the flea market tomorrow.
We set up camp and set out for Frankenmuth where we had a lovely, if unpronounceable, Bavarian dinner. The atmosphere was great. We loved looking at the knees of all those cute guys in leiderhosen. From there, we went to Bonner's, the world's largest Christmas store which is jaw-droppingly amazing. Unfortunately we had less than half an hour to visit but it is definitely on the bucket list for next year. We are planning a three-day mini-tour next spring.
Day 3 began with a propane refill. Apparently the term "fill it up" is rather a foreign concept in Michigan since we have not been able to get a full tank of gas nor a full tank of propane. But off we headed for Shipshewana, IN. Upon crossing into Indiana, we found dozens of gas stations.... perhaps they should lend some to Michigan.
Shipshewana is a smallish town which boasts the largest flea market in the Midwest. The campground we had booked was, according to their brochure, "within walking distance" of the flea market. We're not sure how much walking the Amish do, since they seem to be pretty tied to their horse-drawn buggies. That might explain why no one seemed to know where the campground was or, for that matter, what was or was not within walking distance of the flea market. Nui asked a dozen people for help with directions and was told to go north, west, or east and was also told that there was no campground. We drove up and down the main street for an hour and a half, looking for a blue flashing sign showing the campground entrance. Even the campground people weren't sure where they were located, since they told us they were north of the flea market when, in fact, they are a half mile south. And the blue flashing sign they boasted about as the "only flashing sign on that street" is not blue, but is blue, yellow and red. They also told us that we could not see the campground from the road but would find a sign saying "RV Wash". In fact, the campground is visible, it is the RV Wash sign that is impossible to see.
We think it must be the fumes from all the horse manure that is killing off their brain cells.
However, the town is really cute and we're looking forward to hitting the flea market tomorrow.
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